My Zazzle Shop

 I've been putting my designs on products over at for awhile now but realized I had never really posted much about it.  I do have a Zazzle tab above. But here are a few of my best selling items.  

I started doing it at Christmas when my grandson wanted an apron with my doodle design for his girlfriend.  Since I hadn't done any screen printed designs like I had done previously, Zazzle was the easiest way to get my designs on a product in time for him to give at Christmas.  Once I got started I couldn't stop.  Check out my shop, not only are there aprons and tote bags, but pillows, mugs, office accessories.  You can also customize some of the items.  

Summer art events are beginning to come back this year.  So excited to have the opportunity to participate again this summer.   It's been a long year without the art fairs to sell my art.  Watch my Events page for updates on summer events.  

Thanks for visiting,

Cyndee Starr


  1. Cross-contamination occurs when bacteria or germs are transferred from one food of hers to another. Wearing aprons creates a barrier between different foods and prevents cross-contamination.


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