
Showing posts from April, 2013

Catch Up

I am so behind, just added another summer sale to the schedule.  Debating about another and still waiting for answers to 2 others.  This is going to be the make it or break summer. A little excitement in yesterdays email,  I got notice that I am to be featured in the September/October issue of Cloth Paper Scissors magazine.   Now to remember which doodles I submitted, as they are requesting I send the finished pieces to them.   ??????? I'm thinking seriously now about taking the plunge into retirement so I can actually work at promoting my art.   It is so hard to keep up when working full time.  Although that is why I doodle instead of doing mixed media collage.  Maybe I might have time to combine the two art forms.  What scares me the most is losing myself to Alzheimers before I get to enjoy retirement.  If I don't retire soon it may be to late for me.   I haven't been diagnosed,  just the fear of it...

Still Waiting

I was waiting for one last postcard to come in the mail but apparently it got lost somewhere. Wanted to show you the last two cards I received.  This one really came as a surprise, it's from a blogging friend, Lee in Edmonton Alberta.  Check out her art and all her postcards here:  And the last card is a bit of beach fun from Martha Cook in Connecticut. This was such fun, I will definitely do it again and again.  Thank you Hanna for hosting this swap each year.  My summer schedule is taking shape,  several confirmations for outdoor fairs and a couple still waiting for answers.  It's shaping up to be a busy summer.  I decided to jump in with a full schedule.  Now just need to get busy and doodle. Thanks for visiting. Hugs Cyndee

Postcards post #2

It's so exciting, postcards are arriving everyday.  All from ihanna's annual swap . This card came from Gwen in Seattle.  Her card didn't have to travel far.  Regula's card came all the way from Switzerland.  Her's is about Chocolate.             Emma's Special Delivery came from Rapid City, Iowa. Sandra's card from the UK came  with some stash,  a girl can always  use more stash. Tiffani's card is sunwashed all the way from Indiana.   Some arrive in envelopes which are handmade and embellished others make it through the mail solely on their own.  It amazes me how well they travel.  Each so very unique. Three more to go.  I will be watching my mail box closely now.  Although it's fun waiting for each to arrive, it is a bit disappointing when the last one arrives. If you've never done a postcard swap, be sure and check out i...

The Mail Box

It has started, the postcards from ihanna's swap have started arriving.  Such fun to see where they come from and who sent them.   The first one is from Jan in Iowa.  This came through the mail intact even with a button and lace trim.  A really cool collage, she did a beautiful job.   Thank you Jan. The second card came from Ellen in New Mexico. Awesome vintage card.  Notice the detail on the kimono.  Can't quite figure out how she made it but love it.  Thank you Ellen. Such fun.  I still have 8 more cards to watch for in the mail box.   If you ever get a chance to participate in one of these swaps don't hesitate.  Don't let those little inside voices stop you.  It doesn't matter what you're creative ability is, anyone can put something on a blank card, remember what it was like when you were little and you colored, cut and pasted.   Check back in a few days, hopefully I'll have mo...