Catch Up

I am so behind, just added another summer sale to the schedule. Debating about another and still waiting for answers to 2 others. This is going to be the make it or break summer. A little excitement in yesterdays email, I got notice that I am to be featured in the September/October issue of Cloth Paper Scissors magazine. Now to remember which doodles I submitted, as they are requesting I send the finished pieces to them. ??????? I'm thinking seriously now about taking the plunge into retirement so I can actually work at promoting my art. It is so hard to keep up when working full time. Although that is why I doodle instead of doing mixed media collage. Maybe I might have time to combine the two art forms. What scares me the most is losing myself to Alzheimers before I get to enjoy retirement. If I don't retire soon it may be to late for me. I haven't been diagnosed, just the fear of it...