
Showing posts from February, 2015

Lovin Recycling

There is just no end to what can be done with odds and ends of recycled materials.   Holding true to the meaning of collage "an assembly of diverse elements".   Here is my finished piece, haven't figured out what to call it yet but thinking "about time".   Appropriate because some of the parts come from a digital clock.  It's only 8 x 8, haven't figured how to hang it yet, thinking about using an old coat hanger wire.  Along with the clock parts, you'll see a piece of floor vinyl, cedar board, mesh meat bag, and a broken piece from a industrial furnace.   It's all about the arrangement. It's fun working with scraps.  I'm hoping to get into a couple of recycled art fairs this coming summer.  With all my recycled frames and other stuff I've been doodling, I've collect enough to quality for the shows. It's another beautiful sunny day in the Northwest.  Just can't believe the winter we are having compared to the eastern ...

Flower Photos

Since I've been doodling a lot of my photos lately I though you might like to see a before and after.  It all started by accident.  I blew up a pink rose photo and it looked like a watercolor painting.  I just had to doodle it to see what it would look like and you know how it goes.  One thing leads to another.  Now I'm finding all kinds of photos to try.  It's raining here today.  But they say by the weekend it should be back to our sunny weather.  Such a change from previous years.  Can't complain, but it's the rain that keeps the Northwest green.  While the East and SE are getting hit with unbelievable amounts of snow, we haven't even got enough to keep our ski areas continuously open this winter.  Have a great day where ever you are.  Thanks for visiting. Hugs Cyndee


It's a beautiful Spring day here in the Northwest.  But it is only February.  The neighborhood flowering plum trees are blooming, I saw a Rhododendron in full bloom, even some Daffodils.  My Daphne is blooming and wafting all over the yard and into the house. It is so nice to open the house and let that fresh air in.  Fritz is loving the door open so he can run in and out as he pleases.  He's been sitting just out the door in the sun on the door step.     I just finished framing a print of one of my newer pieces.  I saw the frame on sale at Craft Warehouse and thought surely I have something that will fit.   Lots of glare on the glass, I didn't have another place to hang it for the photo, and hit had to be hung.  I've kind of been all over the board with my work lately.  I've been doing a lot of these doodles over a photo.  Mostly flowers but tried doing a house, then a pic taken in San Francisco.  That wasn't...


Just a few little tweeks here and there.  Change is always good.  New year new ideas, not that there is ever a shortage of ideas.  Usually too many to keep up with. I signed up for a recycled arts show for this summer,  so thought I better get busy with some new pieces.  Here's a couple I just finished.  It's really fun working with scrapes of stuff from the Reclaim It store in Portland.   This one is made with rusty chicken wire, and digital clock parts.  Mounted on a cedar board. This one actually has a title, "no day is complete without music".  Around the edges is pieces of our roof shingles that blew off during a recent storm and of course a piano key.   It's been a slow start to the new year but things seem to be picking up a bit.  I have my first show of the season this weekend at the Confluence Vineyards & Winery .  It's wine and chocolate affair.  It will be outdoors in a big heated t...