Lovin Recycling

There is just no end to what can be done with odds and ends of recycled materials. Holding true to the meaning of collage "an assembly of diverse elements". Here is my finished piece, haven't figured out what to call it yet but thinking "about time". Appropriate because some of the parts come from a digital clock. It's only 8 x 8, haven't figured how to hang it yet, thinking about using an old coat hanger wire. Along with the clock parts, you'll see a piece of floor vinyl, cedar board, mesh meat bag, and a broken piece from a industrial furnace. It's all about the arrangement. It's fun working with scraps. I'm hoping to get into a couple of recycled art fairs this coming summer. With all my recycled frames and other stuff I've been doodling, I've collect enough to quality for the shows. It's another beautiful sunny day in the Northwest. Just can't believe the winter we are having compared to the eastern ...