And on a personal note.

It's football season again and the three grandsons are all playing. Two in high school and the third in a local lead, he is in middle school this year. This last game on Friday was especially exciting, not only did their team win but both boys were on the field at the same time. One on the line the other receiving. A first for this proud family. My grandsons with their mom, my daughter. Mom and dad were really excited to see them both on the field, and both made plays that got them recognized. Dad is a defensive coach and the younger grandson is usually on the sidelines as ball boy. The rest of us are in the bleachers cheering them on. Me, I'm still doodling. Only one show left this year, you can see the info on my Events Page . I've been a little discouraged, sales have not been good this year and I can't decide which way to go next. Hauling all my art around to...