Crazy Summer

I finished the recycled coffee table just in time for the Recycled Arts Festival. My first recycled show. It's unbelievable what people are doing with recyclables these days. Although I didn't sell the table I did get lots of interest. Currently I have it posted on the local Craigslist, it's just to hard to pack it around to art fairs. A custom ordered wood bracelet for a friend that wanted her logo, a Gryphon, doodled on it. And this has to be the hottest summer we have had in years, maybe ever. Far to hot (100 degrees) for sitting in a tent on a paved street all day. Every one was pretty exhausted after this last Saturday sale in Gresham, OR for their Annual Art Walk. The crowd was heavy in the morning but by 2 pm it really died down. This heat has not been good for sales this summer. One more tent sale this summer. I think it's time I start searching out o...