
Showing posts from December, 2014

One More Project

One more sale this weekend and I'm done for this year.  Time to think about some projects I want to do not just items to sell.  My daughter has this big large empty wall in her living room so I thought I'd tackle a painting.  Not my usual art form.  Especially this size.  Since the canvas I bought is 30" x 40" the largest I've ever tackled.  So I painted, I cut and paste, painted some more.  Then started the process again,  more cutting and pasting.  Procrastinating is what it's called.  I'm having a hard time tackling the red poppies.  There will be no going back once I put the red paint on the canvas. Finally, the poppies start to appear, then more grass, maybe some more poppies now that I got the hang of it.  That wasn't so bad after all.     But it needs some final detail.  A butterfly,  and a little Happiness character.  Ready to hang.     ...