
Showing posts from January, 2014


Have you ever had a project on your work desk that you just can't get finished?  We'll this chair has been here since before Christmas, I haven't been happy with it and keep making changes.   My plan is to use it in my booth come summer sales as a display piece.  I was so excited when I bought it because the cane was intact that I failed to notice the broken leg.  So displaying art pieces and pillows is what I will use it for.    I'm joining in over at Julia's Stamping Ground today to see what everyone else is working on.   Hopefully before next Wednesday this will be off my desk.  What's on your Workdesk today? Thanks for visiting. Hugs Cyndee   

First stash purchase of the new year

Finally got a bee in my bonnet today as to the direction I want to go with my art sales.  I've learned that I can doodle on just about anything so why not try everything.  There are more and more Recycled Art Fairs and I already use some recycled materials. So I decided I was going to find more treasures to recycle/up-cycle.  I made a trip today to a couple of thrift stores and came home with this stash.   One of the stores in moving to a new location so everything was 50% off, awesome.  If you live in the area you might want to check into the Paws & Claws Thrift Store, it's operated by the SW Washington Humane Society .  Now I am anxious to get started.  The clock needs a new pendulum a new finish and some doodles. The small word box has never been finished.  The coasters just need cleaning up and a doodle added.  Everything will get doodled.  We just got a new addition to our family, we found a little 2 1/2 year old Min...

New year new directions

A fresh new year ahead with lots of new potential.  I'm off to a good start, although I've been dragging a bit till now.  Yesterday I sat down in front of my Happy Light with a wood box in front of me and started layering paper.  The first I have really done a collage/mixed media project for quite a while.  I really enjoyed the project.  I think I needed a little cut and paste therapy.  Its all very earthy looking,  handmade paper, wood veneer, burlap and a leaf from my hydrangea plant.   I didn't prime the box so everything is on the wood which shows thru in some spots.  It really got me going,  today I put the finishing touches on a couple of cards.  I actually put a couple layers of handmade papers on the cards then did a freehand doodle.  It was a little tricky with the layers of textured paper but I was satisfied with the results. I've been wanting to work at combining my craft,  instead of collage or doodl...