
Showing posts from January, 2013

Doodle Experiments

Nothing dark and sinister, just trying something new.  I was asked awhile back if I ever did my doodles in color, I had not,  I really liked the sharp black and white contrast.  But I thought maybe it was time to try it to see how it felt.  Because everything about doodling is about how it feels.   Here's a little sample of my first color project.  What do you think?   I  only used 3 colors, navy, purple and brown.  Then finished some of the design by outlining the shapes in black. It's interesting how ones art evolves over time.  My current style of doodles is quite different then when I first started.  Everything had a  triangular shape, and clustered tightly. I've changed pens several times  and also change according to the size of journal I am using at the time. Sometimes I go back and look at some of my older designs to pick up some shapes or designs I used in the past that I could incorporate into a ne...

Her first WOYWW

I thought it was time to step out with She Who Doodles so thought I would join in WOYWW, over at Julia's Stamping Ground.   Julie host this web hop every Wednesday, check it out, come join in.  It's a chance to show off your workspace and see where other artist work. So here's my workdesk today,  only a small snippet of the space but wanted to show the Valentine cards I'm working on.  This is just one of the designs,  I have 2 others I hope to get printed and posted to my Etsy Store for She Who Doodles by the end of the week. Check out my shop at Etsy to see the verse I used in the card.  I like to keep them kinda generic so the card could be given to anyone.  So many valentines have mushy lovey verses that aren't suitable to give to a friend.  So I found some whimsical little verses that hopefully will put a smile on the receivers face. Thanks for visiting, now hop on over to Julia's to see what everyone else is up to. Hugs Cyndee ...

Doodle Play

Wow, it's been over a month since I last posted.  The holidays were great, lots of family time and relaxation. Now on to the new year, but not sure of the direction I'm going this year.  My sales at the art fairs were not what I had hoped, so need to rethink my products.   But I have found some time to play with my new toy,  since I broke my little notebook computer my honey got me and ipad.  Now I have to  learn how to use it,  the available apps are endless.  But I have tried the Doodle Buddy app.  Here's the results of my doodling around. I need a stylus to use rather then my finger.  Love the little stamps that can be added.  I think I like the color idea, I've  always done my doodles black on white.  I might check out some other colors.   No new years resolutions this year,  I never seem to stick with them anyway.  How are you doing,  sticking to those resolutions? I do need to...