Where am I going?

I'm here and there and all over the place but no direction.   I've never been good at goal setting and now retired I  feel all I'm doing is wandering.  I'm the kid in the candy store I want to do it all but don't want to do anything.  Yuk..

I sent apps off today for three more juried shows coming up this spring and summer.  But although I do enjoy doing them my sales haven't been that good and I'm still struggling to figure what to try next that will be that one item that will really catch on and sell.  

I need the supplemental income.  Mostly for the future.  Because I divorced late in life I didn't have much of a nest egg of my own. 

Sorry to unload, hopefully no one will read this post.  I just needed to vent instead of letting it roll around in my head. 

Every post needs a photo.  Here's Fritz from yesterday when I tried to give him a bath.  We found him hiding under the bed.  

I think I'll take Fritz for a walk.




  1. I seem to be where you are. Always an artist, becoming crippled by arthritis, there is less I can do, and I don't have much put aside for retirement, either! Really like your re-purposed thrift store finds...

    1. thanks for the comment. it's always good to know there are others out there in the same boat. sorry to hear you are dealing with arthritis, since we use are hands for so much for our art it just makes it harder and harder to do what we love. don't give in to it.

  2. I am sorry to hear your predicament. Blogs are for venting so go ahead. your art is beautiful and inspiring. i hope you can find the niche you are looking for and the balance to enjoy your retirement.

    1. thanks for your thoughts. i do keep moving along. i am optimistic, i just have moments.


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