Hanging Art

Summer has finally ended, Fall is here.  Most of the leaves are down, but still haven't had frost on the pumpkin.

I decided not to do any holiday sales this year, finished my last sale early in October.  I just don't do that well this time of year with all the holiday sales and bazaars. 

So after loading everything back into the house and trying to find a place for some things I just hated to pack away I finally hung some of my original work.   I have a few older work on my walls but hadn't hung a lot of the newer work. 

I had a lot of my earlier mixed media work on my walls but none of my recycled art or original doodles.  A pretty diverse mix of work.  I do get bored doing the same thing all the time.  Always like trying something new. 

At least now everything isn't packed away in bins for Spring sales.  I really hate packing my framed originals around with me, so this is nice to find a place for them. 

Update from my last post about the grandsons football season.  My high school grandsons team won the district title so now on to state playoffs.  It's been an exciting year and still more games to go. 

I've been pretty bad about posting on my blog anymore but I do like to update once in a while although I'm not sure how many read it now.   For those of you who still follow my posting thanks for sticking around.

Thanks for visiting.




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