Rain/Snow/Rain and more snow

So it's been indoor weather long enough now.  On my last walk I saw a few things trying to bloom. 

After finishing my closet door flower doodles I continued the idea on to some canvas.  I've got one more primed and just waiting for that touch of color. 

I've been experimenting with layers of paint on the canvas a little different then I've done before and I really like the outcome.  It's a layer of splashes of color with a white wash over the entire canvas then lifting paint with a sheet of wax paper.  Wish I could figure how to do a whole wall like this. 

Here's a pic of the canvas before the flowers were added.

Fun project, this is the only time of year I get to play, soon the art fair season will get started and no time. 

Go do something creative.




  1. Like the splash of color background. Did you do a YouTube vid or anything to show the process?? It looks cool.


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