Reflections Part 1: Doodling

Like most of the world right now we are home trying to stay busy, keeping our minds active and our bodies.  It's also a time for reflection.  I started doodling in early 2011,  because of an inner need to create.  I had been doing collage but with work, the commute and a partner that filled my weekends with going and doing I had no time for my art.

So the idea came to me to start a drawing journal.  But my drawings turned to doodles and quickly escalated.  Here's where the obsessive part comes in.  I found very quickly I could doodle any time any where.  Lunch break, sitting in stopped commuter traffic, while watching TV, even at the beach with family.  So I carried several journals, by my chair, in the car and I always had one with me.

I realized I got lost in doodling.  For me it was very intuitive, no plan, no direction.  But I also realized I was doing something that came easy for me, without much thought.  I began to feel like I was doing something I could do till the day I die.  You see I lost my Mother to Alzheimer disease.  Followed a few years later by my older brother and my only sister.

What I watched was how they could no longer do the things they had done for years. Especially my brother who was a professional photographer.   He put down his camera one day and never took another photo.  To me the idea of sitting all day and not creating, day after day with nothing to do would drive me insane quickly.  I realize that Alzheimer's takes away all that need and drive, but being on the outside looking in I feel the need to have a craft I can do to the end.  Something to get lost in. Something I can do so automatic, so intuitive, that I can't stop.  Even if it's the very same doodle every day.

All I need is for my kids to keep me supplied with pens and paper.   Oh, and I hope the nursing home will not get to upset when my doodles extend to the walls, doors, floors or furniture.

I know I'm probably not being realistic, but I can hope and dream.  It gives me drive, and for now it feels so good to be back to pen and ink.

Just for giggles, here' a doodle from my first journal.

And my most recent, finished last night.

The sale of my art allows me to make an on going donation to Alzheimer Association ( My hope is that a cure can be found so my children and grandchildren won't be faced with the fear of this mind robbing disease.

Thank you for letting me share a little of my inside self.

Next up coming soon, I won't say tomorrow because I'm not that disciplined, the progression of doodling from 2011 to now.

Stay save and keep your distance.



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