Into Fall

I can feel the change of season finally.  We've had a longer then usual very warm summer.   Mind you, I'm not complaining but I'm ready for the cooler days of Autumn. 

It's been a busy summer, several outdoor fairs although I had to miss that last one in August due to a case of shingles.  Yuk!  That took care of most of August and into September.  If you haven't had the vaccine I recommend getting it.  My honey had never had chicken poxes so he ran out and got the shot.  I hadn't bothered with the vaccine, one: because I just don't like the idea of all the side effects and two: I only knew one person that had ever had shingles.  Wrong, as soon as I knew what I had friends and family said "oh yeah I had them"  another acquaintance said she's had them twice.  I was lucky, I don't think I had them as bad as some but it took almost 4 weeks to start getting back on my feet. 

Then tragedy struck our family my sister and best friend died.  It's a lost I will not soon get over.  She has been suffering from Alzheimer's for some years now, and if you know much about it you'll know it in itself does not take lives.  My sister lost most ability to care for herself and was getting more frail each time we visited.  She was taken to the hospital with lung congestion and unable to breath.  She died on 9/11.  Already a day planted in our memories. 

My sister was 14 years older then me so from the time I was born till recently she was always there for me.  As adults we became even closer.  The two of us could conquer anything together.  We learned to pump gas, change a tire and loved to shop.  At one time we were considered hardcore shoppers.  We even spent 3 days in Edmonton Alberta at the mall.  Stayed at a hotel in the mall and never left the mall for 3 whole days.  A shoppers dream.  We had such fun.  I will miss her dearly.

I'm trying to get back on track with my art.  I have a couple of holiday events scheduled and a couple more waiting for the jury process.  Looking forward to a few days at the beach on my own.  A little change of scenery and some time alone is just what I need before getting deep into the holiday season. 

I've been working on some more recycled candlestick birdhouses.  Here's my last batch, more in the works.
And one more pix I couldn't leave out, my grandson catching the ball to make a touchdown for his high school varsity football team.  It was such an awesome catch, of course I am a proud grandma.  They won 40 something to zero. 
Thanks for visiting.  It's good to blog again. 




  1. Oh Cyndee... I am so very sorry to hear your news about your sister. You must miss her dreadfully. It must have been awful watching her slip away over time. It is terrible watching someone you love become so diminished mentally - I know, because my dad had dementia for the last 18 months of his life, and in his prime he was one of the most brilliant people I've ever known, and we were so close. He died last December and I miss him so much - I so understand what you mean when you call your sister your best friend because Dad and I were such buddies.

    Sorry also to hear you had shingles. I had it in 2007 - that was a bad summer health wise - I was going downhill with my M.E. and got everything in the book that summer, first a very bad flu-like illness, then TMJ, then shingles and finally pleurisy! I threatened to take a sleeping bag to the doctor's surgery and camp out there to save on transport!!

    Your little bird houses are adorable. I've never seen anything like that before! They look particularly attractive as a group, too.

    Hope you feel like blogging regularly again in this season of change. It is amazing how therapeutic being creative can be.

    I am thinking of you and praying for you in your loss.
    Shoshi x

  2. Thanks for your visit to my blog, Cyndee, and you're welcome - such a sad time for you. I am so glad you like the card I made - I should have scanned the original drawing to use again!



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